How To Say “I’m Sorry”

Step 1: Your apology must be sincere. Are your really sorry, or do you just want them to stop being upset with you? Picture an argument where the other person says “I’m sorry, Okay!” That is probably not sincere. A true apology will be humble and show regret.

Step 2: Try very hard to not do the offense again. Some bad habits are not easily broken, but if you are really sorry, you will make a very strong effort to change that behavior.

This effort will build trust with the other person. If they see you are genuine in your efforts to change, the relationship will become stronger. This should be the reason for the apology, to repair and strengthen the relationship.

Who Needs A Boost?

The holidays can be difficult for some people. They may have no one to celebrate with and they are lonely or they are reminded of someone they lost.

Is there someone you know like that? Give them a boost. Just a little attention will do wonders. A kind word or a compliment will help.

Sometimes all you need to do is listen. They may just need someone to talk to.

The holiday season can be very hectic. Let’s not forget the reason for the season. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to God for his goodness and Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ.

Sharing love during this time is a perfect way to celebrate the real meaning of these holidays.

And a great bonus for boosting someone’s holidays, is it will boost yours too!

How do you share kindness? Tell us in the comments below.

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