Is It Wrong to Disagree With Someone?

That depends. Why are you disagreeing? Are you trying to look better than them? Some people disagree and correct others because they are insecure and need to prove their superiority.

The bottom line is kindness and gentleness. (Yes men, gentleness is manly). No one wants to be disagreed with or be corrected, so walk softly. How about “I see what you are saying, but I think….” or “I’m sorry to disagree with you, but…” or “How about this scenario, …”

These show respect for the other person and will lead to a better relationship and fewer offenses.

How To Fix a Bad Day

We all have them. Things go wrong. Something broke. An unexpected bill. And on and on. We are focused on that problem. It is nagging at us. It is bringing us down.

What do you do?

Change your focus. Adjust your perspective. Or as one famous quote puts it, ‘Be thankful in all things.’ Not necessarily for all things, because some things are bad, but IN all circumstances be thankful.

It’s a mind thing. How you think and what you think about will make a difference. The problem won’t go away, but you can relieve some pressure this way.

Things have not always gone bad for you, so think about one of your good days. Relive it in your mind. Be glad about it. Those thoughts will bring up your spirits. Smile and enjoy it. Think of another success. Remember how good it felt?

There you go. You’re feeling a little better.