Why Is the Word ‘Sorry’ So Hard For Some People?

When a person can’t or won’t apologize when necessary, there is a problem.

People with low self-worth may feel too insecure or afraid to admit to a mistake and apologize.

People with exaggerated self-esteem have trouble facing the fact that they made a mistake and need to apologize.

So when a ‘Sorry’ is needed, just remember this. To those that struggle with self-worth issues, you are valuable. Apologizing will not make you less, it will actually make you better.

And to those that think they can do no wrong, everyone does things wrong. Saying I’m sorry will make you better too.

Call Your Mother

I know, we’re all busy, but that’s no excuse. Take time and call your mom. Or send a card, flowers, or something to let her know she is remembered. Only you can give her your kindness. Let’s face it, she won’t always be there. Don’t regret what you could have done for her.

Card and Necklace. Get One for Your Mom Now!