I know he is here, but I can find him.
He comes home every night, greets his family, and disappears. We know he is here, in fact, we can see him sitting in the living room, but we can’t find him.
He seldom smiles. His comments are few. There is little expression or emotion.
He is there, yet he is not there.
How to find the invisible man.
Think back to a happier time in his life. What did he do? What did he talk about? What was he passionate about? Talk about those times. Relive them with him.
Create hope for the future. Talk about what he would like to do for fun. Do your best to be part of that.
Ask him what you can do to make him happy.
Talk about those things that are burdening him. Develop a plan to help him lessen the load.
Help him smile again.